Tag Archives: author

Renowned author to write for our website

Hello all
I have been speaking to an International best selling author (his words, not mine!) and he has agreed to write some blog posts for our Internationally acclaimed website: thelamaison.co.uk  
Granted I did have to use thumb screws, eventually, when my magnetic charm failed to sway him, which leads me to believe that he is a machine; after all NOBODY has EVER failed to be lured by Gongle’s charismatic Megastar quality in the history of the Universe!
To be fair he is very busy writing best selling novels and riding up and down on his neighbour’s stairlift…
Anyway he said he’ll write posts whenever he gets the time – TCH! Anyone would think he’s a Megastar like me to hear him talk. Still he’s a pretty good writer – nowhere near as good as me of course but that goes without saying – so I’m looking forward to seeing what he comes up with.
So I suppose you’re wondering who this renowned author is?  Well, I’m wondering if I should tell you or not or if I should just leave you in suspense … which is his trademark incidentally!
Tell you what I’ll do, I’ll give you a few clues and you see if you can guess who it is, okay?
His Twitter handle (get me with all the modern talk) is @padavies_
He is the Author of novels: Letterbox, George: A Gentleman of the road, The Good in Mister Philips & Nobody Heard Me Cry, which are available from Amazon in paperback & on kindle and also available on http:// /http://mineeye.co.uk/    
Have you guessed who he is yet?
Seriously he IS an amazing writer. I have read a couple of his books and I am absolutely delighted that he is going to be contributing to our website!
Why not pop along and have a look at his website, where you could even buy one of his books just to convince yourself that Gongleshanks is ALWAYS right! Here is a link: padavies.co.uk 
I will obviously let you know when his … ahem … ‘masterpieces‘ appear on the website and <Gongle struggles to be humble> erm, thank you Monsieur Davies, we Grimniens are delighted that such an acclaimed writer has agreed to write for us:-)
As always, thank you to our followers for your continued support:-)

Love Gongle x



A lovely blog by one of our followers

Hi all

I’ve just had a lovely surprise in the twitterverse post and just had to share it with you. It was written by author PA Davies who has followed us recently. We’ve tweeted about his books a bit and he was so pleased that he wrote about us on his own blog to show his gratitude!

Thank you Mr Davies. We appreciate that you appreciate what we do!

Read the post here:

Love Gongle x

A little update

Hello all

Just a little update from your friendly neighbourhood imp. You may have noticed that I haven’t been around a lot lately. Firstly I spent the bank holiday weekend in Liverpool with my fiancee. We had a fabulous time but unfortunately I ended up in prison where I spent the last week. It was horrendous! They didn’t even have smoked salmon on the menu which was very disappointing. I suppose I won’t be able to laugh at anybody who lands in Twitter jail now! The full story of the events in Liverpool will be appearing in my book so watch out for it. In case you haven’t read it yet, I am posting the book chapter by chapter on my blog. (I will assume you are as thick as me when it comes to technology now) The book appears on ‘pages’ as opposed to ‘posts’ If you click pages, you will see one called ‘Don’t use the R word the story of the Grimnians’. If you hover your pointer thing ma jig over the title you can click on one of the chapters. I’m explaining that because I only recently discovered it myself! Well, I AM from Grimney!

Our competition is running until the end of June: Make Gongle Laugh, which is another ‘page’ on my blog. There are some great prizes up for grabs so keep tweeting me, if your tweet makes me laugh you will be shortlisted onto the competition page. The judge for this competition is author, Daniel Kemp who will select the five winners once the competition closes.

Thank you as always to all you followers, new and old and for your support and retweets. Where would ol’ Gongle be without you? …….in bed most likely! Still, no rest for wicked authors I suppose:-)

Keep up the support you lovely people, we appreciate each and every one of you!

Love Gongle x


Exciting news from Gongle

Hello everybody

The website is coming along nicely, it has been a challenge I won’t lie but I’m quite pleased with the way it’s looking so far There are still some technical bits to be sorted but to try it out I am going to run a competition which is free to enter. This is a trial just to check everything is working so far. Watch out for it, it will be announced shortly so get your quills and harpsichords ready!

If you are an expert in your field, particularly art and you would like to be a judge send an email please to gongle22@hotmail.co.uk

As always, your comments/suggestions are always welcome, it is a work in progress:-)

Our main site ‘MineEye’ is also coming soon and we are all very excited about the imminent launch.

Thank you to all our followers for believing in Grimnian Promotions, with your help we are growing – and learning together!

Love Gongle x

I have launched the competition now. Visit http://www.gongleshanks.co.uk for more details:-)


Hello again.

Some of you may have gathered by now that I’m not very good with technology. I suppose it is taken for granted that a young man-about-town such as myself will be a whizz with computers. Sadly nobody can be good at EVERYTHING, not even me although it pains me to say it. I suppose the truth is I’m just so busy being a magnificent megastar that I get irritated by fiddly techno things. I prefer to leave others to sort out the ‘background’ things for me so I can be ‘out there’ entertaining my fans.

So…….I don’t know quite how I did it but I seem to have created a page for myself on rebelmouse. It was recommended to me by the lovely Kara Jarina and there is NO WAY I am going to admit defeat to her! (Kara thinks I’m a technical genius, she has no idea that I don’t know a a mouse from a ……gongle!) As far as I’m concerned technology is magic, I like it that was so let’s just leave it at that shall we?

I do like the look of rebelmouse, it allows you to store tweets and retweet them without even being on Twitter…..Pure Magic! This appears to have solved one headache that I am constantly battling with on Twitter

The problem that I have encountered whilst tweeting for Grimnian Promotions is that there doesn’t seem to be anywhere to ‘store’ links. I was very excited when I discovered ‘lists’ but annoyingly they aren’t static lists and send a constant stream of tweets through making it difficult to keep track of links that people have requested us to retweet.

This is my page on rebelmouse in case you haven’t seen it:  rebelmouse.com/gongleshanks/ 

I keep saying this but it’s worth mentioning again. If you want me to retweet a link to a book or music or anything else for that matter, please DON’T send DM’s. Send the link to @Gongleshanks to make sure I get it. Most DM’s get lost before I have a chance to see them

Once again thanks to all our followers for all your mentions and retweets. Special thanks to my dear friend, author JP Lane. I know she regularly reads my blog in order to learn how to improve her writing. If you want to be ‘up there’ with the greats you should read Gongle’s blog regularly too.

Thanks also to my girlfriend Ann and our mutual friend Jana for flying over to Grimney this week and organising a surprise birthday party for me. It certainly was a surprise as I didn’t even know it was my birthday! As I pointed out to them I wasn’t so much ‘born’ as ‘turned into Gongle’ by a wizard so we decided to call it a Turnday party.

Finally, if you’re reading this and you have sent links that I haven’t retweeted please send them again with the @sign and the name of whichever Grimney Promotions member you would like to rt for you. You can send links to all of us if you want to, don’t be afraid to ‘pester’ We live to hear from our lovely followers and retweeting is our main activity until our new site is up and running.

We also welcome suggestions from our followers as to how we can improve the experience for you.

Until next time

Gongle x